The Hills are really alive!I can't believe it! I'm here. Really ar? I just name the motto of this blog, the hills are so alive!... and in the end I really came here. This Sound of Music country, this Heidi country. This is a nice place! Probably the most nicest country in Europe. There is big green mountains, with wooden houses (those you see in the Heidi cartoon series, a long time ago japanese anime), old medival towns, cobberstone streets, lovely flowers with mositure on their leafs, big cathedrals, and bells that chimes every interval. It is so nice! Plus yesterday, Mid-Autumn Festival, the moon very big, and superimposed above the big cathedral! Very very nice!

I took this little aircraft, that flies very low. You can see meadows and forested areas, little cottages, towns that are mae up of cottages, the Danube river, and city that have medival blocks running along the river. These are beautiful places! I only saw these in postcards and TV.

The air is really cool, and so fresh! There isn't a tinge of traffic output smell, industrial smell, in the air. It is fantastic! If I lived here long enough, I think my sinus problem will be cured! Very steady! I think this is a good place for honeymoon. I recommend that!

I'll took so many photos and videos. I'll get them uploaded soon.
So many sights and experience to share. I'll take lots of videos to show the wind and fast flowing pace of the river.

There are 2 huge fortresses on the 2 mountains (actually rocky hill) on both north and south of the city. So enchanting, so beautiful. I'll try to visit the place in the next few days. :)