Yes, it is time to talk about my "expeditions".
Yes, remember I told you about the pipeline? The water pipeline that carries water from woodlands, down the BKE, pass the KJE, pass Dairy farm, pass Bukit Timah, and into the forest north of PIE, running parallel to it towards Macritchie reservior? The last part before reaching Macritchie reservoir, being the humpy pipeline pathway that one will walk from Macritchie to Bukit Timah throught the Central Catchmjent area? Yes that's the pipeline. The good old pipeline. Around since the British were drinking tea and thinking that this little red dot belongs to their queen.
I had walked the part from Macritchie to Bukit Timah. But failed to take any photos.
I had also walk the part from Bukit Timah, pass the Dairy Farm fly over, and on to Chestnut, with some beautiful scenery never seen before in any part of Singapore.
Aiyah, I never took camera with me for both journeys, so didn't take any photos. But I'll revisit these 2 legs again, and this time will bring camera to take pictures. k?
Yar, where was I?... Oh yeah. After reaching Chestnut, and discovering that it actually links to Zhenhua park, which is basically a long park running parallel to the BKE, and reaching Bukit Panjang shopping center, I discovered that it is still possible to go north, as the pipeline has not end at Chestnut. Now through some months of researching on the web, and other people's (some serious hikers, some xiao kia) websites and blogs, I conclude that you can continue going north from Chestnut in 2 diferent paths.
First is by the under the BKE link at Chestnut waterworks, whereby you will be in the forest, on the other side of the BKE from Bukit Panjang park, with the trail going northwards, again parallel to the BKE. They call this the Chestnut trail or Gangsa Trail. See Map.

Now the second is even more interesting. Noticed that as you travel towards Woodlands, on the BKE, after the KJE exit, the on the left of the BKE, you see a swee swee track, running parallel to the BKE, also going northwards? Yes that is the pipeline continuing northwards! See Map again. (The area between the forest and the BKE, going north.)
This second pipeline is the one that I am going to explore! Tada!!!
I had done this sometime in 2002. It was curiousity at first, then it becomes a longing curosity and then unbearable curosity, and finally, I prepared for an expedition... alone, as no seemly sane person will want to go to such ulu place. I bought along my trusty Nokia 7650 and took the below pictures. :)

But where is the entrance point? Simple, I proceed up the zhenghua park, towards the point as marked on the map, under the KJE exit/entrance with the BKE and I see this.

An Entrance!

So I went in ...
At point 2 on the Map, hey under the BKE.... and I saw.... well trodden path.

Front got dogs!

Left View... Bicycle obstacles

Read view... Bukit Panjang.
Moving on to Point 3 on the Map,
Front view
Rear view
Left ViewMoving on to point 4 on the Map,
Now between point 3 and point 4, I saw a foreign worker emerging from the forest! I spotted him as he was moving out of the forest, manhandling a bicycle! Just before he broke out of the forest edge, which is lined by very tall grass, he threw his bike down gentlely, as if concealing it, before breaking out of the tall grass on to the drain area. He got a shocked when he saw me, and proceed with a fast walking speed (trying his best to act calmly), following the drain, adn disappear into the hole that leads to the other side of the BKE! I couldn't find where he disappear to! There is a lingering feeling that he is a illegal worker, leaving in the forest!
Anyway, at point 4.
Front view
Left view
Rear ViewMoving to point 5, and then point 6
North view. See how far the pipeline stretches towards the North? It goes up a knoll.
View northwest. See the very worn muddy track. Some fellow must had cycled here.Wow, I was tired out by then., The curoursity and excitment of exploring new grounds, and also the fear of the unknown and perhaps the potential group of illegal workers hiding somewhere, proves too much for me. I badly need a drink... and a pee!
I began to backtrack. Maybe my second expedition I shall try to move north by following the pipeline! Excitin.....!!!!!
It was just as I retrached back to the zhenghua park, scaring an old man on his walk as I reappear from the bush on to Zhenghua park, adn walking down to point 7, which the KJE actually slopes from the high viaduct to the ground, that I discovered this!
A HIDDEN PATH! STEADY!I bend my head down (yes, the KJE was quite low here as it slopes towards ground level) and proceed in and discovered there is a path on the other side, which is basically populated by tall grasses! The path is made of wooden boards placed onto the ground! Chances are these are made by the workers. Boy! That curiousity! But I decided that I had too much of a day and decide that this too will be cover in my next expedition here...!
So stay tuned for part 2 of the Northern Pathway expeditions.